Enrollment Benefits To support our community, facilitate pursuit of development and encourage learners to constantly seek personal and professional growth, Elaph Translation provides multi-level enrollment benefits. Alumni Benefits Discounts Being alumni of Elaph Translation, you can consistently enhance your growth and benefit from our exclusive 20% discount on all language, translation and content programs. Employment Opportunities Our alumni are eligible for employment in any job openings we announce from time to time. Also, we support our alumni getting employed in any of our group of sister companies. Career Advice We constantly support our alumni through their career path. Our advisory professionals provide effective career advice that will help you excel in your journey and seize opportunities for career development. Group Enrollment Benefits Discounts If you have a group of 10 learners applying to the same language, translation or content program, the group will be eligible to an exclusive 15% discount. Flexible Timetables Group applicants may enjoy flexible learning timetables that best fit within their schedules. Talk to your Program Advisor to discuss your preferred class timetables. Corporate Enrollment Benefits Custom-Made Programs Our training professionals give corporate clients full support in the process of situation analysis, human capital development schemes and training needs assessment. Based on the needs analysis, we provide customized learning programs tailored to your exact corporate needs and objectives. Start now and talk to our Corporate Relations Officer. Discounts Based on your needs, our corporate clients may receive considerable discount schemes to fit within corporate training budgets. Discuss your team’s training needs with our Corporate Relations Officer, reach the best deal and boost your corporate human capital. Flexible Timetables Corporate enrollment may enjoy flexible learning timetables adequate to your staff’s tight schedules. Talk to your Program Advisor to discuss your preferred training timetables.